Why should I become a MyMediation™ Practitioner Mediator?
Mediation in Debt and Contract disputes is experiencing global growth, and according to the current statistics, the profession is expected to grow exponentially within the next decade. As a MyMediation™ Accredited Practitioner we are presenting you with an opportunity in a profession to become part of a rapidly developing field at an early stage.
Do I need a law degree or background to become a Mediator?
No formal qualifications are necessary, but having business experience and knowledge of dispute resolution would be beneficial. The MyMediation™ course provides all the training and support you will require.
I already have a law degree, or I am already practising as a mediator. Can I apply to become a MyMediation™ Practitioner?
Certainly! Given that you already hold a degree or practice mediation, you may be eligible to skip certain modules of the accreditation pathway.
After completing the mediation course, can I set my workload and working hours?
Yes, you have the flexibility to set your own limits on the number of mediation session hours and the weekly workload. This allows you to tailor your mediation practice to your preferred schedule and availability.
How does a Mediator receive payment?
The Mediator would issue a proforma invoice to the parties in the mediation who make payment to a nominated bank account. The payment will be held by MyMediation™ in a settlement bank account, which is similar to a Trust Account, with the invoice amount paid in full to the Mediator on completion of the mediation.
I am a retired from the workforce. Could I become a Mediator?
Whether you retired at an early age or later in life, we welcome your participation in the MyMediation accreditation courses as your life experiences can be valuable assets to build upon.
I am an individual living with a disability, could mediation be a career path for me?
Your personal experience in advocating for your rights and navigating legal challenges can be valuable in effective mediation. You might already have a level of preparedness to handle various conflict resolution processes.
Considering my diverse cultural and linguistic background, is becoming a mediator the right choice for me?
As a person from a diverse background, your competency in cultural intricacies and sensitivities, and your language skills, uniquely qualify you to navigate cultural nuances and facilitate effective communication, fostering trust in mediation.
I am a parent and our/my children are now at pre-school/school. Is this a career path for me?
Certainly! You already use common sense daily in your family, handling children and family matters. Your self-taught skills in managing the family can be enhanced through MyMediation™ accreditation courses.